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Modulator Quad DVB-C QAM Teleste Luminato

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modulator quad dvbc teleste
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Modulatorul Quad DVB-C QAM Teleste este destinat instalarii in sasiul Teleste Luminato si permite multiplexarea flexibila a serviciilor Video SPTS / MPTS si a tabelelor PSI/SI. La iesire furnizeaza 4 stream-uri cu modulatie QAM de inalta calitate corespunzatoare retelelor metropolitane HFC.

Versatile functionality

The Teleste Luminato quad QAM modules provide an advanced DVB-C platform for Cable TV operators. The QAM module enables flexible multiplex­ing of SPTS and MPTS video services and also PSI/SI table streams. High quality QAM modulation with agile up conversion provides easy adaptation to DVB-C delivery over HFC-network.

The Luminato quad QAM multiplexers support selection of free-to-air and scrambled services from IP stream sources, which can be adjusted to the operator’s service line-up with the built-in advanced transport stream processing capabilities. The Luminato quad QAM module support Standard Definition, High Definition and 3D video in CBR and VBR for­mats and numerous audio formats. Op­tional content protection can be done based on DVB simulcrypt standard.

Effective flexibility

Luminato quad QAM module is fully compatible with the high-performance Luminato chassis, where it can be fitted freely to any of the six module slots. In accordance with the Luminato system architecture, the video process­ing is performed on the quad QAM modules, which enables low-cost ap­plications even with partially equipped chassis, while having the performance scalability to fully equipped chassis.

Complete cable TV headend in 1 RU

One or more Quad QAM modules can be included in 1 RU Luminato plat­form with Luminato satellite, terrestrial, cable, IP and DVB-ASI receivers, together forming a complete cable TV headend. The flexible architecture enables complementing service bouquet with locally received content in the edge of the network.

Embedded content protection

Quad QAM module has the optional capability to do DVB Common Scram­bling Algorithm and AES content protection. The embedded scrambling doesn’t require any additional hardware and the user can freely select which services will be scrambled. Component level scram­bling is also supported to allow only video and audio scrambling and leave other streams untouched to avoid de­scrambling challenges in set-top boxes.

Currently Luminato supports the following scrambling systems:

Abel Digital Video Networks (DVN) Griffin CAS Novel SuperTV viaccess
Arris Securemedia Dongtai Irdeto Panaccess X-crypt
Best CAS DRECrypt Latens Safeview Yadianna Technology
Compunicate Technologies inc. Enigma Systems Logic Eastern Sumavision Pro:Idiom® DRM
Conax Exset Nagra Wellav technologies LYNK™ DRM
Cryptoguard Gospell NDS Verimatrix  
  • DVB TS over UDP/IP, RTP/UDP/IP reception
  • IP address / UDP port selector for input streams
  • Network dejittering
  • Support CBR and VBR TS
  • Support SPTS and MPTS  multiplexing
  • Advanced transport stream processing
  • PCR processing
  • Multiplexing
  • DVB CSA content protection
  • Automatic PSI/SI table generation
  • Custom PSI/SI creation and streaming
  • High quality QAM modulation
  • Agile upconversion
  • MPEG transport stream over UDP/IP and RTP/UDP/IP streaming
  • Multiplex IP streaming (VBR or CBR)

Specificații tehnice


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